Cassells Hotel Apartments:

Your stay at Cassells Hotel Apartments, whether it's for Business or pleasure, we fully understand the various needs of guests, whether its accommodation, conference, banquets, relaxation or mere entertainment. Utmost pleasure is the greatest achievement we get whenever we satisfy our guest. To reach this goal we completely rely on the service provided by our staff .The main key factor is to ensure that the highest levels of performance standards are being maintained. A new breed of hotel apartments is in town, we endeavor to create a distinctive service considering comfort and convenience of our guest with a touch of affectionate service.

Cassells Hotel Apartments are committed to delivering exceptional value to our guest by providing a highly satisfying, comfortable hotel experience for a very reasonable price. This is the greatest credit to every employee who strives to provide a positive guest experience at every point of contact, each and every day to make your stay as pleasant and satisfying as possible. Above all, guest's satisfaction is what we highly prioritize in achieving success. We hope that you will be part of our mission and that is why we say "Simply the friendliest".

Cassells Hotel Apartments located right in the heart of the city, the 150 well appointed guest rooms from bachelor suite to king suite ensures a relaxing stay for every guest. The executive floors, interconnecting rooms, internet facilities, gymnasium, banquet halls, conference rooms, speciality restaurants, 24 hours security service and reception, satellite channel and business center are design to cater to the business and personal needs of any guests.

For more information, please visit our Website:

Cassells Group, Post Box: 4553,
Mezzanine Floor, Corniche Tower - D Block,
Khalidia, Abu Dhabi, U. A. E.
T: +971 2 681 7666
F: +971 2 681 7669

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